
Imprimatur (a Latin term meaning "let it be printed") indicates that permission has been granted by the Church to publish this work.

Included in the Imprimatur, an additional stamp of approval, Nihil Obstat (a Latin term meaning "nothing hinders") indicates that the work has been carefully reviewed and checked for doctrinal or moral error.

The Nihil Obstat is granted by a Censor Librorum or official Church censor and the Imprimatur is granted by the Bishop where the work was written or published.

For English Q+A

Nihil Obstat (1995, 1997)
Bernadeane Carr, S.T.L., Censor Librorum

Imprimatur (1995, 1997)
+Robert H. Brom, Bishop of San Diego

For Church History Q+A

Nihil Obstat (2006)
Very Rev. Michael L. Farmer, S.T.L., Censor Librorum

Imprimatur (2006)
+Oscar H. Lipscomb, D.D., Archbishop of Mobile

For Spanish Q+A

Imprimatur (1995)
+ Lázaro Pérez Jiménez, Obispo de Autlán, Presidente de la Comisión de Evangelización y Catequesis de México